I am an economic student, and I am also interested in investigating the area of social media and digital learning. Specifically, from this course, one of my goals is to learn and understand how social media and digital identity could affect students learning and social life. Besides, adapting to use and develop a digital professional identity is my second goal. My last goal to consider how my digital identity could help my future study and life throughout this course.

In terms of my preference of group working, I would like to use Zoom, Email, Slack, and WeChat to communicate with my group members, so that we can discuss and share new ideas synchronously and asynchronously in time . It is also vital for all group members to have a higher level of participation and social interaction in the discussion; this active learning allows us to better acquire and understand new concepts in online learning. Moreover, in the discussion, every members should show their politeness and respects when someone is talking, which help us to enhance our social interaction and improve our learning outcomes.


  1. Who Am I Online? Cultivating Students’ Digital Identity Practices
  2. Community of Inquiry: Social Presence Revisited