From the inclusion and disability perspective, inclusion concerns with an evolution of time, and what is the “real” inclusion arouses my interests a lot. That’s why I chose this topic to discuss.


  • The evolutional timeline: Exclusion-> Segregation->Integration->Inclusion
  • Equitable access to community when learning is the goal for inclusion. Specifically, Shelley Moore and Leyton Schnellert discuss that rather than physically integrated in classes and schools, students with disabilities have equitable access to classrooms and schools, which means all students in classrooms and schools have roles and responsibilities to meaningfully connect to their peers.
  • Shelley Moore and Leyton Schnellert share their thoughts through the book(One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion) and Youtube videos, which are useful ways to express their thoughts to the public and make more people care about the inclusion.


  • After inclusion, what is the next step of inclusive evolution? Or is there have another evolution happening in inclusion? I would like to investigate more a about that.

Evolution of Time

Pages 6-12 of One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion

Videos: Transforming Inclusive Education

The Evolution of Inclusion